国际手语日: Advancing Digital Accessibility for the Deaf Community!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

The International Day of Sign Languages is observed annually on September 23rd, 这是全球聋人社区的重要时刻. This day celebrates the importance of sign language in achieving the full realization of human rights for deaf people. Over time, 技术已经接管了世界,因此, such events play a critical role in bridging communication gaps and inclusivity.


The United Nations Resolution A/RES/72/161 recognizes September 23rd as the International Day of Sign Languages, 从那里得到灵感,这个庆祝活动始于2017年.

这项建议是由世界聋人联合会提出的。. 它是一个由135个国家聋人协会组成的联合会, 代表着全球7000多万聋人.

Also, 9月23日是世界粮食计划署的成立日期,因此, 他们选择这一天庆祝 Sign Languages Day . The WFD is an advocacy organization that aims to protect the Deaf culture and rights of deaf people.

Gradually, the day is taking over the world and people are now celebrating this day with enthusiasm to support sign languages and the deaf community.


Sign languages are fully-fledged natural languages, structurally distinct from spoken languages. They are vital for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of deaf individuals. Recognizing sign languages as equal to spoken languages is crucial for ensuring the deaf community has access to education, employment, and public services.

It is evident that technology plays an essential role in making communication more accessible. 对于聋人群体来说, it means utilizing digital tools and platforms that support sign language and other visual forms of communication. Let’s understand:

  • 视频中继业务(VRS)

    这些服务允许聋哑人通过视频通话进行交流, where a sign language interpreter facilitates the conversation between the deaf user and the hearing party. This service has revolutionized personal and professional communication for many deaf individuals.

  • 手语化身

    Advances in artificial intelligence have led to the development of sign language avatars, 哪一种可以将书面或口头文本翻译成手语. 这些化身在提供 可访问的内容与手语 在网站和移动应用上.

  • 字幕和字幕

    YouTube等平台上的自动字幕服务, Zoom, and other social media channels have significantly improved access to information. Real-time transcription services ensure that deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals can participate fully in live events, webinars, and meetings.

  • Education tools

    Online learning platforms are increasingly incorporating sign language interpreters and captioning to make educational content accessible. 为学习手语而设计的应用程序也变得越来越普遍, 为聋人及其家庭提供宝贵的资源, friends, and others.


尽管有这些进步, significant challenges remain in achieving comprehensive digital accessibility. Many digital platforms 仍然缺乏健壮的可访问性功能, and there is a need for greater awareness and advocacy to ensure that the rights of the deaf community are upheld.

  • 标准化和质量控制

    Standardized high-quality sign language interpretation and captioning services across all digital platforms are highly required. Inconsistent or poor-quality services can lead to misunderstandings and exclusion.

  • 可负担性和可用性

    Many advanced digital accessibility tools are expensive and not widely available. Ensuring that these tools are accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status, is crucial.

  • 意识和培训

    There is a need for greater awareness of the importance of digital accessibility among web developers, content creators, businesses, and the public. Training programs for developers and others on creating accessible digital content can help bridge this gap.

天秤座是All in One辅助功能的一部分!

Libras, 或巴西手语, 巴西聋人社区使用的主要手语是什么. 2002年被巴西法律正式承认, 天秤座有自己独特的语法和词汇, 与葡萄牙语口语明显不同的. 它结合了多种手部形状, movements, facial expressions, 用肢体语言来传达意思.

Libras plays a crucial role in the cultural and social lives of deaf Brazilians, providing them with a means of communication that is both expressive and efficient. Efforts to promote and teach Libras in schools and public institutions have been growing, aiming to foster greater inclusion and accessibility for the deaf community in Brazil and other parts of the world. Thereby our All in One辅助功能 widget fully supports Libras to make it easier for those individuals to access digital information and communicate successfully.

In a nutshell,

The theme of the 国际手语日 (Advanced digital accessibility for the deaf community) underscores the transformative potential of digital technology in advancing accessibility for the deaf community.

通过利用技术创新和倡导包容性做法, we can ensure that deaf individuals have equal opportunities to participate fully. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts needed to create a world where everyone, 不管他们的听力如何, can communicate, learn, and thrive.

我们支持国际手语日, 让我们致力于促进数字无障碍和包容性, 为所有人更加公平和包容的未来铺平道路. 在天网科技,我们提供 完整的数字无障碍解决方案 包括可访问性审核, remediation, PDF和文档可访问性, training, ongoing monitoring, VPAT/ACR, 并支持制作和改进网站的可访问性.

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